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Wesley Crawford

Wes Crawford is the 9th and 10th grade carpentry instructor at H.H. Ellis Technical High School in Danielson Connecticut. With 10 years of teaching experience and 36 years of working in the carpentry trade, he believes that the future of all trades is in our youth and that it is our job to prepare the next generation of tradespeople. Wes is a 1986 graduate of Windham Technical High school and since that time he has worked as a stair builder, finish carpenter, and sunroom installer. He ran his own company, performing general remodeling, and kitchen and bathroom renovations. Wes closed his business to pursue a career as an instructor, teaching carpentry, cabinetmaking, and woodworking to students within the same Technical High School system he graduated from.


See Wes in: WE50: CNC Training Workshop for Teachers

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