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Sallye Coyle

Sallye Coyle, Director of Community Outreach with ShopBot Tools, Inc.
Consultant: Digital Fabrication in Education

Sallye Coyle consults with Schools and Community Maker Spaces (i.e., Fab Labs) to add Digital Fabrication to their programs. She works with Educators to have them become comfortable using (and teaching) CAD/CAM software and running CNC machines, lasers and other digital fab tools. She also discusses curriculum, classroom management and documentation/certification. Sallye works with programs that emphasize woodworking, furniture and home constructions, as well as art, theatre and STE(A)M education.

When working with Businesses that are adding CNC machining to their manufacturing processes, Sallye aids in the development of designs and part files, and implements processes to make the manufacturing process more efficient.

Based on over 20 years of experience, Sallye authored the CNC Handbook, shipped with every ShopBot CNC Machine.  She is currently working with several school districts to develop a Certification Program for students (and teachers) to document their expertise in Digital Fabrication.


See Sallye in: WE50: CNC Training Workshop for Teachers



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