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Molly Turner

Molly Turner is the Woods Manufacturing and Building Trades instructor at Ignacio High School in rural Southwest Colorado. She began teaching Career and Technical Education (CTE) in 2013. She came directly from industry, with a background in small business woods manufacturing and fine arts. In addition to running the Woods program at Ignacio, Molly is the district’s SkillsUSA advisor, and an active member of the Southwest Colorado Education Collaborative. She is on theAWFS Education Committee, and is a member of the National Woods Board. Molly is an advocate for skilled trades education and promotes equity and accessibility in CTE. She uses project-based learning to teach essential workforce skills such as problem solving, communication, and collaboration.

Originally from the west coast of Canada, Molly is a traveler and has a keen sense of adventure. She currently lives in rural Colorado with her husband, Kevin, her daughter, Thea, and their dog, Coco. They live on her husband’s family homestead. When she is not splitting firewood, or making furniture and sculptures, Molly enjoys hiking with her family.

See Molly in: TH85: Building Trades into Education: Bridging the Skills Gap Through Collaboration



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